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Local student reaches new heights working with Easyjet

Amy is an Airline Pilot for EasyJet who grew up and went to school in the Tees Valley area.  Amy is signed up to Tees Valley Careers to support schools and colleges with career activities and events. 

Amy wants to ensure young people are aware of opportunities available to them “This is where my dreams started and with the incredible support of my teachers and school – I had the confidence to aim high and never give up. It’s time now for me to give back. I understand the challenges facing young people in education who are in the Tees Valley area, having been there myself. I am determined to help students, to give them confidence, to motivate them, to encourage them to have a dream and to work hard, and to help them gain the vital skills necessary for the world of employment.” 

Amy offered to support with this by holding interactive lectures, motivational talks, leading discussion groups and one-to-one mentoring. The presentations focused on Amy providing an insight into her background, the day and life of an airline pilot and what it takes to get there. As well as delivering the following key message ‘Find your passion, get involved, be prepared to work hard, have a dream and never give up’. 

Amy supported Northshore Academy in Stockton-on-Tees and The King’s Academy in Middlesbrough by delivering workshops to students and holding a Q & A session.  Both staff and students thoroughly enjoyed the event and would love to work with Amy again in the future. 

Rob Gales – Northshore Academy said “The event was a really engaging presentation for students in Year 9 to take part in. It was brilliant in terms of raising students’ aspirations and showing them that these career pathways are available to them.” 
Helen Gibson – The King’s Academy stated “The feedback we received from staff and students was really positive. Staff enjoyed hearing from a local girl and her emphasis on getting involved in activities at school, work ethic and resilience.” 

The students were really engaged in the sessions that Amy delivered, and The Kings Academy students provided some valuable feedback; 

“I really enjoyed how Amy didn’t just limit her talk to succeeding as a pilot but talked about what you need to do to succeed in any career.” 

“It was nice to have someone local speaking and realise what the possibilities are.” 

This has been a fantastic opportunity for schools in Tees Valley to get involved in, Amy said “It has been a huge pleasure and privilege to engage with school students within my local community – the community I grew up in and dearly call home. I can assure anybody, no matter what gender or age, reading this today that if you’re prepared to embrace the above message, you will be rewarded greatly.”