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Brown and Mason Group Limited Easter Adventures

Students from Westgarth Primary and School and Fens Primary School took part in a career’s information and crafts session at their school delivered by Brown and Mason Group Limited this spring term.  Activities included a show and tell with pupils on the work carried out on site, and an explanation of how buildings are prepared before large blowdown events.  The pupils all watched videos of what a demolition looked like!  Throughout the session pupils got involved in a creative Easter crafts workshop which entailed them decorating a paper bag with Easter stickers and their own pictures, this enabled pupils to use their imagination, focus and concentration, they then used their bags to carry out an Easter Egg Hunt, some worked in teams while others worked alone, the teams were advised they all needed to communicate with each other of which routes they were taking and how working as a team is helpful and useful in some instances.

The third part of the session pupils from Westgarth were split into 4 teams per class and given recycled straws and pipe cleaners on the 28/03 to see how big a structure they could build, this involved a lot of teamwork, and a team leader was assigned for each group. Fens on the 29/03 were given recycled straws and blue tack and asked to carry out the same task and see how high a structure they could build. Brown and Mason Group Limited found the blue tack worked better for holding structures together rather than wrapping pipe cleaners.

The feedback received from the schools was excellent and all children enjoyed getting to know about working in the Construction / Demolition Industry and how many jobs are available to them within this sector.

Westgarth “No Improvements, Emma was wonderful with her activity and engagement with year 3”

Fens “A Fantastic workshop for our children, Thankyou”

Please find links used below, these are all Blowdown videos for the company.  There was also stationary supplied purchased with donated money from Brown and Mason Group Limited, this included recycled paper bags and recycled straws, pipe cleaners, blue tack, plastic eggs that were used for the hunt and a donation of 10 x Eggs to the schools for prizes.



