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Case Study – Hummersknott Academy Year 10 Work Experience

Work Experience, over 210 Year 10 students took part in a week of Work Experience. Visiting a variety of work places, such as: Schools, garages, retail, banks, architects. Pupils had to actively seek their position, with guidance from the Careers team.  

The programme starts with an initial assembly to students. Career lessons then focussed around employment, with them receiving lessons on expectations of work, discrimination at the work place and H&S in the work place, prior to them attending their visit.  

Gatsby Benchmarks 

BM6 – Experiences of workplaces – pupils have had a meaningful encounter with a place of work. Gaining this themselves through either visiting in person, a letter or an email.  

Impact (see images in folder to add to quotes) 

Lots of the students were offered part-time employment from their placements and created good working relationships with their employers. 

“Oscar has loved his time at Mowden Federation, and he hopes to do a job within the education sector. His supervisor said he had been a star and was very popular amongst the younger children. At break he has a queue of pupils wanting to play with him!” 

“Eleanor has been a great asset to the department, the manager expressed how mature she has and has fitted in well with the team. They commented on how the software is quite complex and she has taken to it with ease. They have loved having her. She was tasked with designing a new kitchen for her own home- wonder if mum approves!!”