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National Careers Week Celebration

Mike Bowen

Senior Associate Director at Jacobs & Enterprise Adviser (EA) for Carmel College

As an Enterprise Adviser & STEM Ambassador, Mike is passionate about STEM and STEAM engagement. Mike is extremely proactive and enthusiastic, ensuring young people are aware of the opportunities available to them and preparing them for the world of work.  Mike has helped massively with so many projects and initiatives which has provided many student’s opportunities they would not have had otherwise. This includes the Big Project – delivered by Mike in his role as EA with Carmel College alongside Endeavour Partnership.  The hope is that students will become the group leaders of the future, consistently reinforcing the need for collaboration and teamwork in all aspects of their future lives. This has now been expanded to include more schools and is proving very successful. Another initiative is the Industrial Cadetship Programmesome students involved in this programme have been successful in securing an apprenticeship with Jacobs. 

Jacobs and Carmel College achieved national recognition in the Careers Excellence Awards 2019 and received a highly commended award. Mike has Supported TVCA in recruitment of EA’s by presenting at EAN inductions, networking events and many more. Mike’s approach to careers is inspiring, influential and empowering.  

Thank you, Mike, for your hard work and devotion to your role.

Jackie McGarry

Careers Lead Catcote Academy & Catcote Futures 

Catcote Academy caters for secondary, post-16 students with special educational needs as well as Post 19 and lifelong learning students. As well as carrying out the day-to-day role of careers lead across Catcote Academy Sixth form, & Catcote Futures and achieving all 8 Gatsby benchmarks, some of the key areas Jackie leads on and supports include:  

National and international pilot programmes to support careers and share best practice for SEND schools and students.  Presenting at key forums promoting careers and the importance of the Gatsby benchmarks. Jackie has established a network of over 70 employers – leading to key projects such as: Vestry coffee shop, Eco Project, Catcote Metro (self-supporting shop for students), employer videos recorded by the students to use on the website, achieving national recognition for the careers and support work by achieving Investors in Careers Award 2020. 

Jackie has shown vision by implementing new ways to transform careers education for her students, understanding their needs and building on best practice. Jackie is an Inspirational Careers Leader.  

Thank you, Jackie, for your hard work and devotion to your role 

Mark Rycraft

Centre Manager, Middleton Grange Shopping Centre & Enterprise Advisor for Catcote Academy 

Mark has worked as an Enterprise Advisor (EA) for more than 4 years and has worked with Hartlepool schools for much longer. Mark has directly supported SEND students by making available and directly supporting the set up of the `Catcote Metro` (retail shop in Hartlepool shopping centre) for SEND students to gain independent living skills. Mark has assisted with numerous events such as careers fairs, cadetships and mentoring to name a few. Mark has also been instrumental in one of the most successful Christmas appeals “The Giving Tree” which supported multiple students and children across the Tees Valley area this Christmas by supplying gifts and presents to children.  

Mark has worked to create positive change in perceptions of SEND students, enabling young people to consider a future without limitations through his work with Catcote Metro and Catcote Academy. 

Thank you, Mark, for your hard work and devotion to your role  

Wendy Glaister

Manager, Santander & Enterprise Advisor for All Saints C of E Academy 

Wendy has been an Enterprise Adviser (EA) for 3 and a half years working with All Saints Academy but has also supported many other schools in Tees Valley with ‘shout outs’ which is the process where TVCA connects career leaders and businesses together to support events. 

In her role as an EA, Wendy has delivered careers talks, supported with parents’ evenings, career fayres, work experience and a Dragons Den enterprise initiative.   Wendy is very supportive to the schools and colleges and has supported the Enterprise Advisor Network by presenting at Careers Hub workshops and Enterprise Adviser Inductions. She has also supported the TVCA career digital series which highlights the finance sector, career paths and skills needed – click here 

Wendy has a passion for careers and helping young people and will go above and beyond to do this, which is exactly the qualities we need in an Enterprise Advisor.  

Thank you, Wendy, for your hard work and devotion to your role 

Ann Stonehouse 

Director, Ann Stonehouse Accountants & Enterprise Adviser for Trinity Catholic College 

In her time as an Enterprise Adviser, Ann has delivered a very successful `Democracy Day` calling on her business contacts to support her. There are plans for this to take place again and to be rolled out to other schools in the Trust.  Ann also set up a student council where students were given professional roles. She has also invited students to attend her assist network meetings, to run an `Inspiring Girls event` and `Secret Employer Event`.   

Ann is also working with Kings Academy and is planning to set up a student board, delivering employability sessions and workshops. 

Ann continues to be extremely proactive in careers in Tees Valley and supporting in TVCA events such as Enterprise Adviser inductions, school and business networking meetings to share best practice to career leaders and employers within the area. Ann has a passion for careers and for helping the young people in Tees Valley which shows in her dedication to the role of Enterprise Advisor.  

Thank you, Ann, for your hard work and devotion to your role 

Michelle Hill

Careers Leader at Sacred Heart Catholic Academy 

Michelle signed up to the Enterprise Adviser Network in 2016 and supports the Careers Hub by being the careers hub lead school. In this role Michelle has been involved in the following activity: 

CEC EAN Advisory Group, CEC Hub lead events, Hub workshops – delivered presentations on the Gatsby benchmarks – achieving 100% in all eight. Also supported in EA inductions to share best practice, attended celebration and employer networking events to name a few. 

Michelle has created an innovative career programme that works well year on year at Sacred Heart.  Regular events that take place are: Sector explosion event, Making It Happen Day, Study Skills programme, Career’s Convention, yearly work experience & PIXL CPD events. Michelle has shown the tenacity to move careers focus from the side-lines into the heart of the Academy and careers is now firmly embedded into the curriculum which the students benefit from each year.   

Thank you, Michelle, for your hard work and devotion to your role 

Lisa Lindo

Careers Leader & Higher progression Co-ordinator previously at Middlesbrough College 

Lisa spent 3 years as the Careers Lead at Middlesbrough College and in this time raised all 8 of the Gatsby benchmarks to 100%, developing and implementing a student portal for careers which was used to make digital careers courses available during lockdown, also implemented student surveys and new procedures for collecting and analysing data.  Lisa developed an extensive careers programme and worked hard to ensure standards remained during the Covid-19 pandemic with the “taking you higher” month in June, which included events & virtual visits, social media training for fashion students and parents & carer events on teams, all which received very positive feedback.  

Lisa has supported TVCA with Hub workshops by presenting and sharing best practice on LMI and career software programmes and how to track student activity and destinations.  Lisa has completed her Level 6 Career Leadership qualification and has promoted this to other career leaders. Lisa helps to raise awareness of opportunities such as apprenticeships, FE courses and training to enable students from all backgrounds to progress into the careers they want to do, no matter what background they have come from.  

Thank you, Lisa, for your hard work and devotion to your role 

Jacqui Hutchinson

Careers Lead Nicholas Postgate Catholic Academy Trust (NPCAT) 

Jacqui oversees careers education across the NPCAT which has 4 secondary schools (one with a sixth form) and 23 primary schools.  Jacqui has a genuine passion and drive to support young people into the world of work.  She has delivered training to career link governors, attends Hub workshops, networking events and contributes best practice in all meetings.  

Jacqui nominates her schools to take part in national pilots such as the CEC’s parental engagement pilot and is involved and fully supportive of DfES Opportunity North East pilot.   

Jacqui will always go above and beyond to help and support the young people in her schools as well as her colleagues. She is at the forefront of new ideas and will push for the best for her students, always providing the highest level of opportunities. Jacqui lives for careers and this shows in her attitude and outcomes.

Thank you, Jacqui, for your hard work and devotion to your role 

Dave Johnson

Careers Lead All Saints Academy 

Dave has been in role as Careers Lead for 4 years. Dave is very supportive of TVCA and was one of the first schools to transfer to Compass+. He has delivered training at a Careers Hub workshop to highlight the benefits of using the new platform and encourage other career leaders to register. He works very closely with his Enterprise Adviser from Santander who works both strategically & operationally in the school. 

Dave engages with a wide range of employers and providers offering his students valuable meaningful encountersDave has recently made new enhancements to the school website to ensure students had a variety of information and activities to complete during lockdown. This has meant the students careers education has not suffered during this time.  All Saints are achieving 100% across all 8 benchmarks which is a fantastic achievement. Dave is devoted to driving great careers guidance for young people, enabling them to progress through different pathways into great careers.  

Thank you, Dave, for your hard work and devotion to your role