Portal Sign In

Outwood Academy Bydales, Redcar

About the activity

This term, three lunchtime drop-in sessions have taken place at Outwood Academy Bydales, for which we invited colleges and training providers into school to set up a marketplace in our dining hall.  Providers display marketing material and prospectuses for students to take away, complete application forms and gain IAG on courses, qualifications needed and dates of open evenings and events. There are also interview rooms available for students and staff to access if any students wish to speak to staff confidentially. This activity is now embedded in our CEIAG plan and will take place every month throughout each academic year.

Gatsby Benchmarks

Benchmark 3 – Addressing the needs of each pupil – allowing students to see all potential options and destinations in a range of career paths following on from their post 16 study.

Benchmark 7 – Encounters with further and higher education – students interact with a wide range of staff from different departments and various organisations / post 16 providers throughout the year at each lunchtime drop in.

Next steps

As we have split lunches, our lunchtimes are less busy, allowing more time for interactions and discussions between students and providers. As this is a consistent monthly event, students recognise staff representing the different providers and feel more confident to speak to them and college staff become more approachable. It also has a positive impact as it allows younger students to start thinking about post-16 options and opportunities.