We’ve combined our open day with graduation this year, to allow you to see the progress of our young people whilst studying with us.
The afternoon will include learner presentations, demonstrations and finally the award ceremony. This is aimed to give everyone an insight into how we support learners on their journeys to positive progression.
This event is open to all young people, parents/guardians, and professionals. If you know any young people who are unsure of their next steps or thinking about a career in uniformed services, please inform them about this event. There will also be representatives from the Armed Forces and Police who can give direct career support.
It is important to note also we are not just a Military Preparation Academy our aim is to ‘make better citizens’ we are also engaging in the wider community, to give back.
Phase: Early Years (Family Hub Network) Delivery: Online Training Suitable for: Early Years practitioners, childminders, new SENCOs
Chaired by James Gorry, Ubisoft Leamington Spa and featuring Third Kind Games