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The Tees Valley Primary Careers Mascot Competition, launched in November 2021, challenged children in Years 3-6 (those aged seven to 11) to design a fun and creative mascot for Tees Valley Primary Careers.

A total of 59 entries were submitted, with the children creating a range of colourful and inventive characters. The winner was Windy Wallace, a chilled-out, friendly and hard-working wind turbine, referencing the clean energy aspirations of the region, which was brought to life by Year 6 students Isla, Robyne and Ellie from Badger Hill Primary Academy in Saltburn.

Judges praised its catchy, alliterative name and its clear links to the local area, especially the offshore wind projects and job opportunities coming at Teesworks which will help young people to #StayLocalGoFar.

Some of the skills and attributes ‘Windy Wallace’ possesses are forward thinking, intelligence, hardworking, reliability, honesty, good at working in a team and is environmentally friendly.

The winning team worked with a Graphic Designer from the Tees Valley Combined Authority to bring Windy Wallace to life, and we are excited to share the final version with you all!