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Tees Valley Careers Showcase Event

On 6th March, businesses and schools came together at our Showcase Event where Cllr Christopher Akers-Belcher, Combined Authority Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills, spoke about the importance of business led career activities in schools.  The Enterprise Adviser Network was showcased by businesses and schools which have been matched together to develop practical career plans that give students multiple opportunities to learn about the workplace. Speakers included Mike Bowen of Jacobs who talked about the work they are doing on “The Big Project” with Carmel College, as well as Outwood Bishopsgarth School and Cubic, Trinity Catholic College and Inspiron Learning and Catcote School and J&B Recycling who all shared their successful examples of schools and businesses working collaboratively.

Copies of the all the presentations can be found below:

The event was a huge success and a great opportunity to gain some feedback on what is working well, what the challenges are for businesses and schools in terms of working together and how Tees Valley Combined Authority can support businesses and schools to overcome these challenges.

Thank you for all the feedback we have received – the main points are summarised below.

What’s working well?

What are the biggest challenges to overcome for businesses to engage with schools?

What are the biggest challenges for school to gain business engagement?

How can TVCA support businesses and schools to overcome these challenges?


Hopefully the event inspired both schools and businesses to work together on careers delivery and provided a good opportunity to network.

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