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What is a Traineeship?

Traineeships are a great way to help your child build their CV. That is because traineeships help them learn the essential skills that employers want while giving them experience of the world of work.

A traineeship has three core elements:


A traineeship is an education and training programme which includes work experience.

Traineeships are designed for people aged 16 to 24 and provide the essential work preparation training young people may require to be eligible for an apprenticeship. They can also work towards your child’s English and Maths qualification.

A high-quality work experience placement with an employer. Traineeships don’t always pay  wages but some training providers may offer a travel and food bursary.

Traineeships can last anything from 12 weeks up to a maximum of six months with the content tailored to the needs of the business and the individual. A traineeship will set young people on the right path to progress to an apprenticeship or potentially go straight into employment.

In short, they’re an amazing stepping stone to full-time paid work if your child doesn’t have many qualifications or experience.