
Case Studies:

Middlesbrough College





Ayo Buluro

Ayo is studying the IoT recognised T Level in Digital Production, Design and Development at the College’s dedicated Digital Centre, and following a successful first year work placement with Middlesbrough based digital studio Animmersion, he was offered a permanent role as a Junior Software Developer alongside his studies.

Ayo said: “I decided to study the T Level programme at Middlesbrough College because of the work placement element. I was delighted when Animmersion selected me for the opportunity, and I have enjoyed developing my skills for the workplace throughout the work placement.

“The T Level course is practical and hands-on and has prepared me well for industry. I have enjoyed the balance of College study and the work placement. Studying at the College’s Digital Centre has been a great experience as the industry-standard facilities are amazing. I’ve also gained real working experience through my placement in the sector and enjoyed working on a range of projects for real clients.

“I was delighted to receive a part-time job offer alongside my studies, and I’m now an employee for Animmersion. I’m learning new skills all the time on my course and in my part-time role as a Junior Software Assistant, which is fantastic as I can put the skills and knowledge I’m learning at College into practice in my job role.

“The T Level course at Middlesbrough College has helped me to progress in my career and I’m enjoying my role with Animmersion. In the future I want to continue progressing in the sector and developing my skills, particularly in artificial intelligence.”

Leah Holmes

Leah wanted to become a midwife, but after completing work experience as a teaching assistant, an interest in primary education was sparked. She gained a Merit in her Health T Level at Middlesbrough College and is now set to to study Primary Education at Teesside University, which will include Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

Leah said: “I changed my plans and now want to work in primary education, although health was the main focus of my course, the skills I have  learned are all transferable into the working environment.

“Doing T Levels at Middlesbrough College has been the best experience for me. I’ve realised what’s out there, my passions, and that I have the flexibility to change my career path.”

Analise Williams

Analise was thrilled to discover she had earned a Merit in her T Levels in Health when opening her results. She is now studying Paramedic Practice at Teesside University, after which she’ll be qualified as a paramedic.

Analise explains why she chose to study T Levels at Middlesbrough College, one of only a selection of colleges in the country chosen by the government to deliver T Levels. She said: “I’m not a naturally academic person, so when I heard about the practical learning that the T Level course provides, I was immediately interested. T Levels give you the opportunity to learn on the job, while also being equivalent to three A Levels.

“When I started studying I was undecided what to do, although I was always interested in health because my mum works in a hospital. On my placement was when it really clicked – I saw physiotherapists and occupational therapists, who all did interesting work, but then saw a paramedic supporting a patient in a real situation and knew that’s what I wanted to do.

“I have visual stress so the College has made a real effort to help me with computer packages, extra time during exams, specially-coloured paper – everything I needed to study and succeed.

“The staff at the College also have plenty of health industry experience, for example in nursing. That meant that our tutors could use their own skills and experience to help us develop and build our own confidence.

“If you’re considering T Levels, get involved in the work placements, ask plenty of questions, and if you’re struggling, ask for that support. There’s lots of support on offer.”

Moritz Cornieje

Following his successful placement with the NorthLink, Moritz was offered a permanent role as a software developer alongside his studies.

He said: “I started out studying A Levels but soon realised it wasn’t for me. I then heard about T Levels and loved the sound of the work placement and getting real, hands-on experience.

“It means you can really integrate yourself into the business and quickly prove yourself to be an asset. And for some, it can lead to a permanent role, like it has for me.

“There’s only so much you can learn in a classroom. I had the opportunity to work on real client briefs and build my confidence in a professional environment – it’s been invaluable.”